Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Top 10 Rival Countries - Part [2/2]

6. Russia and Georgia.
Russia and Georgia
Some 2,000 people are thought of been killed given by both sides in the war that erupted August 7 between Russia and the former Soviet republic of Georgia escalated over the weekend. Tens of thousands have been injured or driven from their homes by shelling and air attacks. The US-backed regime in sent troops into South Ossetia last and carried out bombing attacks on the capital of Tskhinvali in an attempt to reassert Georgian control over the breakaway region, which has exercised the factor of self-rule since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991.

7. Syria and Turkey.
Syria and Turkey
Half a million refugees have flooded into the southern Turkey since fighting began in 2011.Deadly clashes have taken place between the Turkish military and smugglers thriving on the chaos of Syria’s civil war as the border between the two countries. The border region is struggling to cope with the spill-over from Syria’s conflict. Clashes near the border often spill over into Turkish territory. Around 2,000-3,000 smugglers brought diesel fuel into the Turkey killing a many soldiers. This conflict has been declining day by day and has caused more complicated problems instead of resolving them. Today the condition in Syria has escalated so much that the UK USA are contemplating actions. The world fears the inevitable clashes and hopes to never witness the action.

8. America and Korea.
America and Korea
U.S. Diplomats have concluded North Korea as a threat to its neighbors, and a nuclear-armed threat to world peace. The precarious situation on the border between North and South Korea has the potential to break out into a major war, and the memories of last war makes it imperative to keep these heads from butting. North Korea is as a source of oppression, repression, and violence in the world, it is said to be a nuclear danger to humanity, its impact on world politics is minute when compared to that of the United States. Over the past 60+ years, the underlying factors driving conflict between the U.S. and North Korea have changed radically with USA coming off as a global bully dealing with challenges to its domination.

9. Britain and Argentina.
Britain and Argentina
Falkland Islands War/South Atlantic War was a brief war fought between Argentina and Great Britain in 1982 over control of the Falkland Islands. Argentina had claimed sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, since the early 19th century, but Britain seized the islands in 1833, banished the natives and since then have been refuting Argentina’s claims. The United Kingdom’s support of self-determination in the Falkland Islands only reveals the state’s interest in retaining British control over the islands’ considerable oil reserves and to deny Argentina any accommodation.

10. China and Japan.
China and Japan
For decades, China and Japan have not been able to settle the dispute on the Diaoyu Islands. Both the countries assume the islands as their own territory and are finding various historical reasons to prove their rightness. Till date numerous meetings and talks have been conducted but nothing has been yet concluded. China believes that Japan stole the islands. Noteworthy, the Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku Islands) is a bone of contention not only for China and Japan, but also for one more contender, Taiwan. In addition, six countries in the South China Sea – China, Vietnam, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei – are involved in the territorial dispute over the Spratly Islands. To crown it all, Japan has an eye on the Kuril Islands that belong to Russia. The territorial issue has always been a key reason for wars.
These are the most popular rivalries in global history. every country can justify its stand and reason to fight however the turmoil caused and blood lost seems too heavy a price. The barbarism has not completely left us human and tagging ourselves as developed is under serious scrutiny.

Part 1 | 2


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