Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Top 10 Most Dangerous Countries In 2013 - Part [1/2]

5. Yemen

Once a well -known tourist destination, the place attracted good number of tourists from around the globe. But the recent political developments and events made the militants overpower everything in most part of the country. Ever since then, the innocent tourists have been their victims. Kidnapping tourists and locals for big ransom is common news.

4. Syria

The effect of Arab Spring has left many countries of the world including Syria in worst conditions ever. The place is inhibited by militant groups from a long time, making it very hard for the common man to survive. While the militants don’t seem to be getting under control and the government almost failing to control their activities, the places poses high degree of threat for any outsider.

3. Iraq

Ever since the intrusion of the US Military the condition in Iraq has deteriorated drastically. The condition of Iraqis has grown bad to worst with no security or protection at all. The interested groups have become more like militants group and are violent in nature as well. The regular suicide bombings and target killings and kidnappings all put together have made the place the most violent for anyone from outside to live or even visit the place.

2. Afghanistan

The popular base of Al-Qaeeda and home of global terrorism, Afghanistan has been the most popular destination for militants than normal people. On and off the place has been seen to foster world terrorism with no control of the control. The ruthless Talibans have made it their base, to initiate all their world terrorism plans. The people of Afghanistan have been always exposed to deadly and uncertain living conditions.


The first thing, when we hear about this country, is Pirates and truly they do dominate the country with their activities, ranging from theft, robbery to human trafficking. The place is inflicted and home for drug traffickers, mafias and militants where crimes such as open murders, day light shooting, and violence is a common sight.


Part 1 | 2


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